Can I Store My Credit Card Info?

You mostly can. With a PayPal account, you can store all of your information with PayPal and check out in a few clicks. More information about setting up a PayPal account can be found by clicking here.

If you don't want to pay with a PayPal account, you can store your billing address with us. When you set up an account you are required to enter a billing address, but if you want to change it, or add a new one, there's an easy way to do that. First, navigate to your account page and click on "Address book".


From here, you can see a list of all of your billing addresses. By clicking on "Edit" or "Add Address", you can set up auto-filling addresses for all of your cards.


That said, we cannot store any more than billing addresses. Because of Payment Card Industry compliance regulations, we do not wish to store any sensitive financial information on our servers in any form. As we expand our online store offerings, we may focus on allowing a secure method of saving credit cards in the future.